Friday 11 February 2011

The Next Stage - Photoshop

I decided to make a fresh experiment with a new photo, seen as I had explored my previous image well.  Here is a flyer displaying a man with a keyboard.  The music is a big aspect of this design, so I should focus my attention around the guy to get it to add another dimension to the colour yellow.

Again, I started by experimenting with the vibrance, exposure and saturation to really expand on the yellows.  Would it make it stand out well, or would it be too distracting to make it visually effective?  I found that too much distorted the image and made it grainy, but a little more saturation in the piece really gave it more life, which is exactly what I was looking for.

Previously I had experimented with shapes to bring out colour on a black and white piece.  I feel that the complementary colour, in this case violet, takes away the importance of the yellow.  This meant that I had to mask it in some way, which is why I opted for black and white.  I highlighted the figures arms, legs and head with different shapes to communicate movement, along with a musical note to emphasise the theme.  I felt that the note was too cliché, and didn't add anything other than to highlight the already obvious musical theme throughout.

I took a rest from the black and white and brought some colour back in, albeit very saturated.  I touched more on movement by adding another version of the same man with a ghosted look, communicating dance.  Although the yellow is still very clear, it doesn't do as much of a good job as pure black and white of masking the purple.

I decided to invert the desaturation, but the amount of purple compared to yellow now made this an even more ineffective way of communicating my chosen colour.

I worked with the shapes more by using circles, squares, rectangles, and overlapping adjustment layers.  I found that the more complex my ideas got, the further from home my objective became.  This is why I strongly believe the 3 circles leading up to the person is the strongest experiment of the bunch.  It leads the eye to the main aspect of the image, and does a brilliant job of showcasing my chosen colour.  The black and white mask the complementary perfectly, but the shades give it enough depth to be a strong overall image.

I took this idea further by adding text to the equation.   If I was to use any of these in my finals, I would pick my first attempt along the bottom of the image.  It highlights even more of the colour, and is more readable than the other two.  Looking at the content of my other 9 images, it is clear to see that it could struggle to consistently make an impact on the design; it would always need a substantial amount of yellow already in the image.  Besides, it is already quite obvious what colour is being displayed and I appreciate the simplicity of the three circles highlighting one main aspect.

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