Wednesday 5 December 2012

Final Crit - Feedback & Response

Overall, I think I have a lot of work to produce for the final hand in. I think I have been in the finalising stages for too long, and although I have had a good chance to develop, it would have been nice to have some finals ready to show in the final crit - printed & trimmed - rather than my final work on standard mac suite stock.

However, general consensus suggested that my blog was acceptable, so I won't need to spend much of my time catching up with that.

This is my action plan for this week:

Finalise my Rugby League & Best of Films work
DEADLINE - Thursday 11PM

Spend Friday printing out any work that I have, visiting the drop in digital print room. 

The weekend will consist of catching up with whichever areas of my blog I have missed, finalising any other work that I will need to complete. Printing everything else on the Monday morning and dedicating the rest of the day to photograph prints, preferably before 3:00PM when it gets dark.

From there, I only need to construct my final boards, adjusting any weaknesses highlighted today, and to make sure my blog is perfect for hand-in.

Best get to it then...

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